Business Over Breakfast – South Port Square

South Port Square 23023 Westchester Blvd, Port Charlotte, FL, United States

Buffet StyleScrabbled Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Breakfast Potatoes, Fruits, Pineapple, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Honey Dew.Rye, White, Wheat, Bagel for toasting with Cream Cheese & ButterFried Egg Station for those who do not […]


Networking Luncheon – South Port Square

South Port Square 23023 Westchester Blvd, Port Charlotte, FL, United States

Lunch will be in the Gables East Dining Room23053 Westchester BlvdPort Charlotte, FL 33980(Please park in the sales parking lot, if possible)Lunch MenuSOUPCannellini and Andouille sausageFresh cannellini beans, seasoning with Spain   andouille sausage, fresh vegetables.SALADQuinoa TabboulehPeru quinoa tricolor, mix with Middle east dish, served with tomatoes, pepper, and fresh herbs.ENTRÉERoasted Chicken¼ Chicken marinated with fresh […]


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