Friday Facts for June 25, 2021

Friday Facts!

Dear Chamber Member and Chamber Friends,  Here are your Friday Facts

For Our Community and All Our Members

From John Wright, President, Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce. Here is a copy of John’s Column printed in the newspaper on June 22 .

For Our Members Only

PG Chamber radio show

Exclusively for PG Chamber members: NOW BOOKING FOR JULY 2021. We are very pleased to announce that our monthly radio show on Seaview 104.9FM has returned to its usual monthly spot on the Bob Alexander Radio Show on the first Wednesday and Thursday of each month. The process is very simple – no need to visit the studio. Bob will call you, set up a recording time and it’ll be done over the phone and inserted directly into the programming of this very popular show. You get the option to record two x 2.5 minute slots or else simply record one and have it aired twice during the show. Bob will be able to let you know exactly during which hour it will air. The cost is an incredible $110 (payable to the PG Chamber, not iHeart). To register for the show, simply email John Wright. The rest we’ll take care of for you. Only ten businesses per month, so don’t delay. Offering you a great way to promote your business, advertise an event or simply to show your community support.

The PG Beat is back!

If you are interested in having your flyer included in the August edition, please contact Janet asap at 941-639-3720 or via email at All materials must by 8.5″ x 11″ and are due to the chamber office no later than July 23rd.

Interested in assisting in to stuffing the newsletter on July 30th at 9am? Please give us a call!!

Expert Education on Managing Your Accounts Against Fraud!

On July 13th and 27th from 9-10am the PG Chamber is very fortunate to have an expert from Amazon to address a very serious issue currently affecting our member businesses – hacking, credit card security and website and personal data protection.

Tim Sandage, a chamber member with both Amazon and Coastal Expressions and Wine, is the Senior Security Manager locally for Amazon and he is donating his time to share the many ways to handle or avoid fraudulent attacks in today’s business world.

Class size is limited to 10 per class. Please email to reserve your spot, stating which date you prefer.

Additional classes may be added to accommodate more members, as well as a second class on topics not covered in the first class.

Dates: July 13th or 27th
Time: 09:00 AM – 10:00 AM EDT
Location: PG Chamber offices, 252 W Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda RSVP Contact: 941 639 3720 or
FREE to members

For Our Community and All Our Members


The thieves have found a way to exploit the vulnerabilities of your vehicle KEY FOB’s. If you have a Key FOB that allows you to leave it in your pocket/purse and push or touch the door handle to unlock your vehicle, and then push a button to start your vehicle. You need to be aware of how thieves are gaining access to your vehicle to commit theft from, and theft of your vehicle. How it works…Your Key FOB is constantly broadcasting a signal that your vehicle detects once close enough to the vehicle. The thieves use an amplifier that is capable of picking this signal up even if the keys are inside of your home. Usually within 30 feet or so of their detection device. A second person stands near the vehicle to receive the signal with a second detection device. The vehicle thinks that the Key FOB is near the vehicle and allows the doors to be opened and the vehicle to be started. Once the vehicle has been stolen a new key can be programmed to operate the vehicle. I have attached a video that explains the procedure.

Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office

As you may know, Cops and Goblins is a CCSO event that serves as a safe and fun alternative for kids on Halloween, limiting foot traffic on our streets and potential mischief in our neighborhoods. This year, we are anticipating a larger turnout than ever before, due to last year’s event being canceled. With that in mind, we are looking for sponsors for this incredible event to help us purchase candy, DJ services, bounce houses, and more. A $200 minimum sponsorship would get your company logo included in the rotation on the jumbotron in center field, which runs throughout the entire event! If you would like to be a supporter of this fun-filled evening, please contact Chris Hall, Community Affairs Specialist, at 941-575-5227. We know times have been hard for many over the last year-plus, but if you are in a position to and would like to be a sponsor, we truly appreciate it. Our community turns out for this event (previous years have seen over 3,000 kids plus parents), and we want to be able to provide them with a night they will never forget. I thank you for supporting the CCSO in that effort.

Chris is happy to answer any questions you may have in regards to Cops and Goblins, and checks can be made payable to CCSO and sent to: Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office 7474 Utilities Road Punta Gorda, FL 33982 (please indicate Cops and Goblins on the memo line).

A note from our CCSO volunteer unit

The Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office encourages civilian participation in crime prevention activities through its Volunteer Services Unit. County residents volunteer in four areas: Citizens Observation Patrol, Marine Patrol, Parking Enforcement and Administration. Volunteer participation often has a direct impact on the effectiveness of deputies. Interested individuals willing to contribute a minimum of 16 hours per month should contact Sgt. Al Sacco ( at 941-639-0013 or download an application at and return it to any District Office.

From the City of Punta Gorda

The government offices of the City of Punta Gorda will be closed on Mon., July 5th in observance of the Independence Day holiday. Residents of the City of Punta Gorda will notice NO CHANGE in their trash, yardwaste or recycling collections during this holiday. Commercial customers will notice NO CHANGE in trash collections during this holiday. If you have any questions, please contact the Public Works Department at (941) 575-5050 during the hours of 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Mon. through Fri.

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Where’s John Now?

Take a Tour of a Local Business and Chamber Member with John. CLICK HERE to find out where he visited this week.

This video will be shared here in Friday Facts, on our Chamber website, and on our Chamber Social Media pages. If you would like to have a visit from John please contact Tara Zajas at or call the office (941) 639-3720 to schedule a date. [/box]

Job Fair

Looking for Qualified Employees?

The Chamber will be hosting a job fair at the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center on Tuesday, August 31 from 3-7pm. It’s just $50 for chamber members and $100 for non-members to participate. Please contact Tara at 941-639-7498 or for more details or to register. Space is limited so please don’t delay!

Chamber Calendar of Events Members ONLY

Networking Events for July 2021

July 14: Beef O’Brady’s 7:15am – 8:30am: Wake up and smell the coffee with your Chamber at Beef O’Brady’s, hosted by Chelsea Place for Business over Breakfast! Beef O’Brady’s is located at 1105 Taylor Rd, Punta Gorda, FL 33950. Please be sure to RSVP to or call 941-639-3720.

July 20: Business After Hours 5:30pm: Come and join your Chamber for our Business After Hours at Dream Salon & Spa. Don’t forget to bring a gift to promote and showcase your business! Please be sure to RSVP to or call 941-639-3720.

July 28: Networking Luncheon 12 Noon-1:30pm: Come and join your Chamber for our Networking Lunch at Isles Yacht Club located at 1780 W. Marion Ave! Lunch choices are: Vegetarian lasagna with a small side or chicken Caesar salad. Rolls and cookies will also be served. Reservations Required.
Guest Speaker: Kevin Sibley, Special Agent in charge, US Department of Homeland Security Investigations.

Please be sure to RSVP to or call 941-639-3720. NOTE: Cancellations not accepted after 3pm on Friday before event. Cost is $20.00 per person pre-paid. We take cash, check, Mastercard, Visa, Discover & Amex


All the Following Information is for Our Community.

Please Support Our Local Businesses!

Partners in Action News

Four Points by Sheraton (Platinum) Lobster Pots are back! Please join us on Fridays at the Dockside Grill located inside the Four Points by Sheraton Punta Gorda Harborside. We will offer the full lobster with all the trimmings for only $21.95. After dinner, head on down to dance the night away with one of our great bands. Please click to see June’s complete lineup. The Tiki Bar…..The Place To Be!!!

Sun Media Group (Platinum) leadHERship… a celebration of influential women in Charlotte County. It’s time to celebrate the influential women in our county and we want to share who you are, what you do, where you came from and more!

Bayfront Health (Gold) While Spring brings sunshine, emerging greenery and longer days, many people dread this season for the sinus pressure, headaches, itchy eyes and respiratory problems it brings. More than 50 million people suffer with nasal allergies and half of those also have seasonal pollen allergies, according to The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA). Here are some tips for managing spring allergies.

TIME Realty Services, Inc (Gold) Residential real estate ended May with a bang! 720 sales up 88%, $289,450 median price up 26%, 50% cash sales, 40%conventional mortgages, 61% of the sales were under contract in 0-10 days, 12% were under contract in 11-20 days.
Stats: 6 days on market, 521active listings, that’s .8/mo of inventory! Have real estate questions? See more stats:
Give us a call, put our 23 years of experience to work for you. 239-699-4493

Downtown Farmers Market (Gold) The Saturday Punta Gorda Farmers Market is open every Saturday from 8am to Noon. Latest Newsletter.

Creative Window Treatments (Silver)  is your local Hunter Douglas Showcase Dealer. We offer all types of custom window treatments for any business or commercial setting with 2 locations to serve you. Call for your FREE In-Home consultation! 941-637-0015 / 941-828-0000

Charlotte Players (Bronze) Kids On Stage Returns With Full Program! Charlotte Players Kids Onstage Drama Camp is returning in July with a full program of three classes for students entering first through 12th grade in the fall. Camp will take place over two weeks in July (July 12-16 and 19-23) at the Charlotte Players Langdon Playhouse, 1182 Market Circle, Port Charlotte.

Military Heritage Museum (Bronze In Kind)Membership sign up month! Everyone who becomes a new or annual renewing member in the month of June receives a free 90-minute Sunset Cruise from King Fisher Fleet. The Gulf Theater at the Military Heritage Museum is excited to announce our Pre-Season Fall Series!

Frank Desguin Family (Support) Copy of Frank’s Column in the newspaper. Did you know the first “named” hurricane to strike this area was Donna?

Peace River Botanical & Sculpture Gardens (Support) The Board of Directors of Peace River Botanical & Sculpture Gardens, Inc. is pleased to share the news that Tanna Horner will become our Executive Director on July 1. She will be responsible for administering the daily operations and staff of the 30-acre property that is becoming indispensable for the community and will become active in Chamber events and beyond. Tanna and her family recently relocated from Sarasota and she is excited to assume the leadership of the Gardens continuing to offer the art and nature attractions and expanding the events which take place on the grounds. Look for more information soon about our 2021 Gardens Aglow in December and also an exciting international exhibit scheduled for February through April.

Member Information

Valerie’s House – Valerie’s House is needing volunteers to help assist our grief support groups twice a month in Charlotte County. We work with families in peer support groups. We rely on the use of the arts to help express/process their grief. Our next volunteer training is on August 7th (June training is full).
Contact Christine Carey for more information or 239-841-0382.

Loveland Center – Come join us at Rita’s Italian Ice fundraiser for The Loveland Center on Wednesday, July 14th, 2021. 10% of all proceeds from the day will be donated to The Loveland Center and you can meet our celebrity scoopers from 4 to 8 PM! 4255 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte, FL 33980
Join Loveland Center for our 3rd Annual Golf Tournament at Heron Creek Golf and Country Club on Friday, September 10th. Contact Becca at for more information.

Connect Print & Promotions – Connect Print & Promotions is your source for flyers: custom design & print for inclusion in the Punta Gorda Chamber quarterly newsletter, which resumes in August! Call Kim & Freddie at (888) 978-3437 or email

SCORE – Business assistance and advice is now available from SCORE on a drop-in basis. Stop by the North Port City Hall, Friday July 2nd from 9 to noon. Certified Mentors Fred Cort and Greg Imig will be available for a casual chat about your business and the challenges you are facing. SCORE is powered by the SBA and offers confidential business mentoring at no cost. Visit for more information.

Punta Gorda Short Film Festival – If you were not able to attend our RETRO DRIVE-IN SHOW, presented by the Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach VCB & Asbury Shorts/USA and hosted by the Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce on March 2nd Or… if you did attend and would like to watch it from the comfort of your living room, we hope you will subscribe to the Special “Viral” Presentation of the 7th Annual Punta Gorda Short Film Thursday, July 1st. Purchase tickets here!

Punta Gorda Airport – Punta Gorda Airport is seeking proposals for a full-service public restaurant, bar and caterer at the Punta Gorda Airport General Aviation Center (GAC). It will be located in the area currently under development off Challenger Boulevard. This is an exciting opportunity for a restauranteur looking to build out 2,500 square feet and capitalize on amazing runway-front event space and private flight catering! Bids are due July 30. Request the RFP at

FGCU – Cannabis Professional Online Certificate Program starts July 11th.

Burnt Store Presbyterian ChurchEirinn Abu Concert July 25th.

Suncoast Humane Society – Can you be a hero? Foster Homes Needed!

Fisherman’s VillageJune calendar of events
Fourth of July Celebration and July calendar of events.

Punta Gorda Symphony 21/22 Season! Save the dates.

Covenant Business Planning & Solutions – PROPOSED TAX LAW CHANGES By: Jeffrey Frankhouser
PROBLEM: Along with “stimulus” money offered to US residents comes increases in our taxes paid. Proposals to increase seemingly every income tax rate abound. Still, it’s important to note that – as of this writing – all are merely just that: proposals.
Our objectives include: INCREASING YOUR INCOME    DECREASING YOUR TAXES   IMPROVING YOUR NET WORTH Remember, We help business owners sleep better at night!

Charlotte County Habitat for Humanity – We’re looking for VOLUNTEERS for our construction sites and ReSale Stores. This is an amazing opportunity for you and your staff to get out into the community and give back and collaborate together with a team-building activity. See how more details HERE.

ZenBusiness empowers new business owners by making it easier than ever to start, run and grow a successful business. Launch your business with our worry free services, world-class support and an all-inclusive platform delivering everything you need to be successful. Formation plans starting at $49.00.
Click here to quickly and easily register your dream business.

Virginia B. Andes Volunteer Community Clinic – 2021 3rd Annual ‘Tis the Season Tennis Tournament November 19-21

C.A.R.E.Golfers who C.A.R.E. Golf Scramble registration is NOW OPEN (! This year’s scramble will be held on September 25, 2021 at the beautiful Riverwood Golf Club located at 4100 Riverwood Dr. Port Charlotte, FL 33953.

The Sky Family YMCAThe Sky Family YMCA renames to YMCA of Southwest Florida.

Edison and Ford Winter Estates – Each year, Edison and Ford Winter Estates prepares the site for possible hurricanes and other storms that may hit the area. At the beginning of hurricane season, storm shutters are placed on many of the buildings and on windows of the historic homes not used for viewing.

CareerSource Southwest FloridaAirplane Maintenance / Aviation Mechanic Program opportunity.

Punta Gorda Coffee and Tea – Summer has officially started! Our Black Gold Liquid Crack Cold Brew is perfect for these hot summer days ahead of us. We have our Growlers available for purchase and for refill when needed. Did you know that you can refill one of our Growlers at ANY Black Gold Coffee Roasters Locations? Our Growlers are 64 Full Ounces of Smooth, Bold, and Caffeinated Cold Brew. Come get a refreshing cup or growler today.

Punta Gorda Chocolate and Wine – Are you planning a picnic, family gather, beach party, work party, etc.? Did you know that we have our Fresh Cheese and Meat Charcuterie Boards available to go, or curbside pickup? We have the napkins, the crackers, the silverware, and the plates. Give us a call and we can recommend a Chef Choice style board or choose from our special Artisan Cheeses of the Week.

Take Me There Sailing – is now based in Burnt Store Marina offering all- inclusive day sails or overnight charters on a 60-foot sailboat. Sail, kayak, snorkel, fish, lounge on deck, and sail under the stars. Licensed to provide food and alcohol, all meals and drinks are included. Charters are customized to exceed your expectations and create unforgettable memories. Book online or call to discuss your special event. or 941-259-0977.

Peace River Shopper Latest Edition.

Charlotte County Homeless Coalition – The Homeless Coalition has exciting news!! We have launched the 2021 Vision Club to pay off our mortgage and become debt-free once and for all! The Pat Moran Family Foundation will match every dollar donated up to $200,000. Your business’s involvement will make an impact in our community opening the door for the Homeless Coalition to provide more services through its programs. To join the 2021 Vision Club and to “match our vision to fund our mission”, visit or contact Tina Figliuolo at

CDBIA – Join us at the Icehouse on July 10 for Darts! Team Registration Form.

Punta Gorda Historic Mural Society Current happenings and information!


Charlotte State Bank & Trust

Residential Lender Holly Selders, who has been helping people realize their dreams of home ownership for many years, has been named a Vice President of Charlotte States Bank & Trust. A successful lender when she joined the bank in 2014, Holly quickly moved to the top tier of Charlotte County lenders, earning the Charlotte Sun Readers’ Choice Award as Best Mortgage Officer. Former president and co-president of the Business and Professional Women of Charlotte County and a longtime member of the Women’s Council of Realtors, Holly volunteers at the Tidewell Hospice House. She is based at the bank’s Punta Gorda and Charlotte Harbor offices and may be reached at 941-205-2714 or

Charlotte State Bank & Trust is once again joining the Sunrise Kiwanis Shoes for Kids Project by collecting new sneakers for students in the Charlotte County Public School System who are in need. This year’s goal is 4,500 new pairs of sneakers to be distributed to all of the schools in the Charlotte County Public School System at the start of the 2021-2022 school year. The collection period runs from June 20 to July 25. “Our lobbies were open by appointment only for much of last year, which inhibited our participation in Shoes for Kids,” said Craig DeYoung, president of Charlotte State Bank & Trust and treasurer of the Sunrise Kiwanis. “Now that we’re back, I’m confident our customers and staff will come through in a big way.” Shoes will be accepted at all Charlotte State Bank & Trust offices.

2021 Florida Super Lawyers Recognizes Five Farr Law Firm Attorneys

Five attorneys at Farr Law Firm have been selected for inclusion in the 2021 edition of Florida Super Lawyers magazine, which recognizes the leading attorneys in the state. Super Lawyers®, a Thomson Reuters business, is a rating service of outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high-degree of peer recognition and professional achievement. The selection process includes independent research, peer nominations and peer evaluations.

The following attorneys have been selected for inclusion in the 2021 lists:

Florida Super Lawyers
Guy S. Emerich, Estate Planning & Probate
Jack O. Hackett II, Real Estate
David A. Holmes, Business & Corporate Litigation

Florida Rising Stars
Forrest J. Bass, Estate Planning & Probate
Brett Sifrit, Estate Planning & Probate

Each year, Florida Super Lawyers lists no more than 5 percent of lawyers in the state as Super Lawyers and no more than 2.5 percent as Rising Stars. To be eligible for inclusion in Rising Stars, a candidate must be either 40 years old or younger or in practice for 10 years or less.


ARCHway Institute – June Newsletter

Animal Welfare League – June Pawsitive News

C.A.R.E – June Newsletter

Charlotte Community Foundation – The Connection

Charlotte County Habitat for Humanity – Newsletter

Copperfish Books – June Newsletter

Loveland Center – Exciting Updates

Punta Gorda Mural SocietyJune Newsletter

The Yoga Sanctuary – June – Let’s Walk Forward Together.


John Wright, President
Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce

Every effort has been made to accommodate guests of all abilities. The Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce is not responsible for the presentation, format or accessibility of customer submitted documents, images and links. For assistance with this document, please email or call 941-639-3720.

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